Charlotte Street Foundation identifies the needs and fuels the evolution of an ever-changing multidisciplinary arts ecosystem, acting as its primary provocateur. We cultivate the contemporary, the exceptional, and the unexpected in the practice of artists working in and engaging with the Kansas City Art Community

So far…

This is my first post! I feel silly waiting so long, but life moves at a speed that I don’t always agree with. I thought for my first post, I’d catch everyone up on what I was up to directly before my residency started up until now, and then hopefully be more proactive about posting from here!

Over the Summer, I had two other residencies. In July, myself and my partner traveled to Denali National Park for a 20 day stay.

This residency was such an amazing and important experience for me. I got to fulfill a lifetime goal of not only seeing, but landing on a glacier. As far as art goes, it was deeply inspiring to be in such a natural and pristine environment.

National Parks advocacy is a huge part of my life and my art, so to have this be my very first residency ever was a huge honor.

In August I traveled to the Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve for another 10 day residency.

During my time there, I created this bison head made of cardboard and sheeps wool for a series called “Bison Blues”.

This beautiful rolling prairie land was such a stark contrast from the mountains I’d just come from.

Also in August I created a solo exhibition called “The Unknown Traveler and the Toklat Bear”. This was inspired by my time in Alaska. The cabin I’d stayed in was by a braided river called the Toklat river.

This exhibition included an imaginary mythical bear I created. Surrounding this bear was folklore about it created by friends and peers in the KC community, photographs of my time in Alaska, and a diary of an unknown traveler that had discovered the bear.

In the fall, I traveled to Tulsa to install work for “Corporal Cadences”.

I also moved into my studio at Charlotte Street!


And (unrelated to art, but has to be included) I got a puppy!!


So needless to say, it’s been a really busy year, and on top of that, I just found out I was one of 3 visual artists to receive the Charlotte Street Visual Artist award for 2018!


I’m so humbled and overwhelmed and excited and grateful and I could go on and on and on, but I’ll stop here.

Follow along from here to see what comes next!

I’ll be on KKFI Artspeak radio today and noon and check out the next issue of KC Studio Magazine to read more about what I do!

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This entry was posted on February 28, 2018 by in Uncategorized.

Charlotte Street Foundation

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