Charlotte Street Foundation identifies the needs and fuels the evolution of an ever-changing multidisciplinary arts ecosystem, acting as its primary provocateur. We cultivate the contemporary, the exceptional, and the unexpected in the practice of artists working in and engaging with the Kansas City Art Community

Craig M. Workman


Craig M. Workman attended The University of Kansas and graduated in 2003 with a Bachelor of General Studies in Literature, Language and Writing. He later was admitted to graduate studies at The University of Missouri-Kansas City, and graduated in 2010 with a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing and Media Arts. In 2009, he was one of three hundred fiction writers nominated in that year for The AWP Intro Journals Award, a literary competition for the discovery and publication of best works by new and emerging writers. He is the 2012 recipient of the McKinney Prize in Short Fiction, the 2014 Whispering Prairie Press Flash Fiction Contest winner, a 2015 Best of the Net nominee for Prose Poetry, and a 2017-18 Charlotte Street Foundation Studio Writer-in-Residence. He is an adjunct professor/lecturer of composition, American fiction and creative writing, an I-Ph.D. candidate, and a Doctoral Teaching Fellow at the University of Missouri-Kansas City and an Adjunct Assistant Professor of English at Johnson County Community College. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in more than two dozen journals, including Kansas City Voices, Midwestern Gothic, London Literary Review, The Subterranean Quarterly, The Legendary, Corium Magazine, Bewildering Stories, Stanley the Whale, Linguistic Erosion, The Eunoia Review, Midwest Literary Magazine, Kerouac’s Dog, Shotgun Honey, Zombies Gone Wild Anthology, Literary Juice, Fiction on the Web, and Connotation Press: An Online Artifact. He currently lives in Prairie Village, Kansas.

Charlotte Street Foundation

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